Designer/2000—For developing sophisticated Oracle client/server applications, the Designer/2000 CASE environment provides a comprehensive repository and powerful tool set that enables you to systematically analyze, model, design, and generate both client and server components of an application. Designer/2000's repository is similar in most respects to its predecessor's, Oracle*CASE; however, its user interface and functionality are significantly enhanced, and it supports graphical business process reengineering as well as Oracle7 server and Developer/2000 features. As shown in Figure, the Designer/2000's repository stores analysis, design, and generation data.
Designer/2000 is a complex tool with many features. Once you've mastered it, you'll find that the task of developing sophisticated applications from start to finish is faster and much more efficient than it is with traditional development methods. Information collected through its graphical diagrammers for data and application modeling is used to generate sophisticated, bug-free data definition language and application code. Designer/2000 generates full-featured, full-functioning applications for Developer/2000 tools, complete with menus, security, transaction control, and extensibility for OLE containers. Application generators are also in the works for Visual Basic and Power Objects.
Developer/2000—The Developer/2000 suite packages Oracle Forms, Oracle Reports, Oracle Graphics, and Oracle Book into a single integrated development environment. You can build your applications using just these tools or use them in conjunction with Designer/2000 to produce generated forms and reports.

As with their character-based predecessors, SQL*Forms and SQL*ReportWriter, the Developer/2000 tools use PL/SQL as their underlying scripting language. Applications developed on one type of workstation platform can be deployed on other platforms such as Microsoft Windows, Macintosh, and Motif. Figure illustrates a portion of the Oracle Forms Designer interface.